Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bordeaux.... part 1 :)

And we're finally in France!! This week has been pretty crazy (but great fun of course):

Sunday we left from the Salt Lake airport (after spending the night at Andrew's Aunt Maree's home and being fed a wonderful breakfast burrito breakfast :) and by the next morning, we were in Paris!
No stopping yet though--we'll spend some time in Paris on the way back--for now, just a long wait at the train station

(can you tell how tired we were?!)
When we finally made it to Bordeaux (during the train ride we both passed out on the train!)
Lydia's family was there waiting! (Marina was so excited that she slipped and fell while running to us!)

We got home and played "chaud-froid" (a game where you have to find presents hidden in the house) for Lydia's sisters and then collapsed into ours beds--after a good meal :)

After that, it was time to go (re)discover Bordeaux... au menu

fine dining

(fondant au chocolat prepared by Sylvia)

trips to the beach (on top of the tallest sand dune in europe--that's the atlantic behind us!)

(it's pretty windy up there!)

Andrew was even brave enough to get his feet wet:

We found a potential job for Andrew: (he is in front of the US consulate in Bordeaux--the first in the world!)

And we visited some parks :)

Today was the first day since we've been here that's really been warm and sunny-- no need for coats anymore!

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