Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Since France

Well, we've been back to real life here in Provo for almost a month now, and still as busy as ever!

Andrew got the second job he wanted teaching violin at a music school/academy, and I didn't end up getting a second job because the place where I work offered me one! so I'm working almost full time at MulitLing, doing the same work as before (translating and reviewing french) but now I'm also helping set up a new process in our company (too long and complicated to explain), But it sure keeps me busy!

Apart from that, dancing continues--Andrew left Monday on tour to the midwest-- the Backup team is performing in Nauvoo and they will also tour around the area-- one of their performances will be for the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's election! And I'm staying here practicing every night with my partner--hopefully all the hard work will pay off come fall!

Also, I found the ipod! That's certainly a weight off, because we were supposed to put all the wedding music into it and I was worried I had lost it for good! It was in the pocket of a hoodie--it's unbelievable that it never slipped out during the back and forth of moving...

This means that the plans can start moving forward a little faster-- the invitation proofs will be in sometime this week, my dress should come in next week, and I can start creating a playlist for the wedding reception!

And that's about all the exciting news... this is the first time Andrew and I have been separated more than 24 hours since we've been engaged!

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