Thursday, September 10, 2009


Well, it turns out that fixing the sound issue on my project was not so simple.

And then, something else came up: I receive an email from the secretary of the Comms department announcing that, by the way, the requirements for application had changed. (this was tuesday, keep in mind the application deadline is tomorrow....)
Students applying for the Broadcast journalism major now have to submit TWO videos with their applications, and no more statement of intent (nevermind that mine was already almost done)... Now we need to answer to 5 essay questions. Since they're 150 words each, that wasn't too much of a problem, but another video?? out of thin air maybe?!

After much panicking, phone-calling, and emailing, I finally got a response from the director of admissions who said that one video would be fine. PHEW. It turns out that I was not the only one with this problem.

So back to fixing my video; there were some issues with the sound levels, etc. that I still need to fix, but everytime I try to re export it from the editing program (which only exists in one room on campus, which, of course, is not an open-access lab) the video quality is terrible (which it wasn't the first time around!) We need to upload them onto youtube, but of course it will only accept the worse quality video there is...

So tomorrow morning I will make my last attempt to salvage my project, and if that fails, then the admissions committee will just have to deal with a poor quality video... and most likely reject me.

For those of you who want to see said video, try not to get a headache.

On a lighter note, we do have many things to be grateful for : we now have a desk for the computer/office stuff, so our little home is properly organized and most of everything now has its spot! And we had root beer floats last night...

Photos will be posted soon.... AFTER the admission deadline! :)

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